Rui (Ranger) FAN


Rui (Ranger) FAN [范睿] was born in Jining, Inner Mongolia, China, in 02/1993. Rui completed his high school education with the Elite Class at the Affiliated Middle School to Inner Mongolia Normal University in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China, in 06/2011. Rui received his B.Eng. degree from the Harbin Institute of Technology in 07/2015, and his Ph.D. degree (thesis title: ''Real-Time Computer Stereo Vision for Automotive Applications'') from the University of Bristol in 06/2018.

From 07/2018 to 02/2020, Rui worked as a Research Associate, under the supervision of Prof. Ming Liu, with the Robotics Institute at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Between 02/2020 and 09/2021, Rui worked as a Postdoctoral Scholar-Employee with Prof. Linda M. Zangwill and Prof. David J. Kriegman at the University of California San Diego. Rui began his faculty career as a Full Research Professor with the College of Electronics & Information Engineering at Tongji University in 10/2021, and was then promoted to a Full Professor in the same college, as well as at the Shanghai Research Institute for Intelligent Autonomous Systems (SRIAS), the State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Autonomous Systems, and Frontiers Science Center for Intelligent Autonomous Systems in 12/2022. Rui directs the Machine Intelligence & Autonomous Systems (MIAS) Group [微信公众号:mias-group] and serves as the General Chair of the Autonomous Vehicle Vision (AVVision) Community.

Rui’s research interests include computer vision, deep learning, and robotics.

ODFormer: Semantic fundus image segmentation using Transformer for optic nerve head detection. Information Fusion, 2024.
Wang, J., Mao, Y.A., Ma, X., Guo, S., Shao, Y., Lv, X., Han, W., Christopher, M., Zangwill, L.M., Bi, Y., Fan, R.
pdf / webpage

Online, Target-Free LiDAR-Camera Extrinsic Calibration via Cross-Modal Mask Matching. IEEE Trans on Intelligent Vehicles (T-IV), 2024.
Huang, Z., Zhang, Y., Chen, Q., Fan, R.
pdf / webpage / code / demo

RoadFormer: Duplex Transformer for RGB-normal semantic road scene parsing. IEEE Trans on Intelligent Vehicles (T-IV), 2024.
Li, J., Zhang, Y., Yun, P., Zhou, G., Chen, Q., Fan, R.
pdf / webpage / code / demo

S3M-Net: Joint Learning of Semantic Segmentation and Stereo Matching for Autonomous Driving. IEEE Trans on Intelligent Vehicles (T-IV), 2024.
Wu, Z., Feng, Y., Liu, CW., Yu, F., Chen, Q., Fan, R.

UDTIRI: An Online Open-Source Intelligent Road Inspection Benchmark Suite. IEEE Trans on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), 2024.
Guo, S., Li, J., Feng, Y., Zhou, D., Zhang, D., Su, S., Zhu, X., Chen, Q., Fan, R.
pdf / webpage

Three-Filters-to-Normal+: Revisiting Discontinuity Discrimination in Depth-to-Normal Translation. IEEE Trans on Automation Science & Engineering (T-ASE), 2024.
Yang, J., Xue, B., Feng, Y., Wang, D., Fan, R., Chen, Q.

Freespace Optical Flow Modeling for Intelligent Vehicles. IEEE Trans on Mechatronics (T-Mech), 2024.
Feng, Y., Zhang, R., Du, J., Chen Q., Fan, R.

UP-CrackNet: Unsupervised Pixel-Wise Road Crack Detection via Adversarial Image Restoration. IEEE Trans on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), 2024.
Ma, N., Fan, R., Xie, L.

Dive Deeper into Rectifying Homography for Stereo Camera Online Self-Calibration. ICRA, 2024.
Zhao, H., Zhang, Y., Chen, Q. and Fan, R.

SG-RoadSeg: End-to-End Collision-Free Space Detection Sharing Encoder Representations Jointly Learned via Unsupervised Deep Stereo. ICRA, 2024.
Wu, Z., Li, J., Feng, Y., Liu, C., Ye, W., Chen, Q. and Fan, R.

Generalized Correspondence Matching via Flexible Hierarchical Refinement and Patch Descriptor Distillation. ICRA, 2024.
Han, Y., Long, Z., Zhang, Y., Wu, J., Fang, Z. and Fan, R.

MF-MOS: A Motion-Focused Model for Moving Object Segmentation. ICRA, 2024.
Cheng, J., Zeng, K., Huang, Z., Tang, X., Wu, J., Zhang, C., Chen, X. and Fan, R.

Visual-Marker Based Localization for Flat-Variation Scene. IEEE Trans on Instrumentation and Measurement (T-IM), 2024.
Xue, B., Yan, X., Wu, J., Cheng, J., Jiao J., Jiang, H., Fan, R., Liu, M., Zhang, C.

YOLO-Ant: A Lightweight Detector via Depthwise Separable Convolutional and Large Kernel Design for Antenna Interference Source Detection. IEEE Trans on Instrumentation and Measurement (T-IM), 2024.
Tang, X., Chen, X., Cheng, J., Wu, J., Fan, R., Zhang, C. and Zhou, Z.

E3CM: Epipolar-Constrained Cascade Correspondence Matching. Neurocomputing, 2023.
Zhou, C., Su, S., Chen, Q., Fan, R.

One-Vote Veto: Semi-Supervised Learning for Low-Shot Glaucoma Diagnosis. IEEE Trans on Medical Imaging (T-MI), 2023.
Fan, R., Bowd, C., Brye, N., Christopher, M., Weinreb, R.N., Kriegman, D. and Zangwill, M. L.,

In-Sensor Visual Perception and Inference. Intelligent Computing (Science Partner Journal), 2023.
Liu, Y., Fan, R., Guo, J., Ni, H., Bhutta, M.U.M.

D2NT: A High-Performing Depth-to-Normal Translator. ICRA, 2023.
Feng, Y., Xue, B., Liu, M., Chen, Q., Fan, R.
pdf / webpage / demo / code

Transparent Objects: A Corner Case in Stereo Matching. ICRA, 2023.
Wu, Z., Su, S., Chen, Q., Fan, R.
pdf / webpage

Autonomous Driving Perception -- Fundamentals and Applications. Springer, 2023.
Fan, R., Guo, S., Bocus, M.J.
pdf / webpage

Detecting Glaucoma from Fundus Photographs Using Deep Learning without Convolutions: Transformer for Improved Generalization. Ophthalmology Science, 2023.
Fan, R., Alipour, K., Bowd, C., Christopher, M., Brye, N., Proudfoot, A. J., Goldbaum, H. M., Belghith, A., Girkin A. C., Fazio, A. M., Liebmann, M. J., Weinreb, N. R., Pazzani, M., Kriegman, J. D., Zangwill, M. L.

SDA-SNE: Spatial Discontinuity-Aware Surface Normal Estimation via Multi-Directional Dynamic Programming. 3DV, 2022. (Oral Paper, Acceptance Rate: 7%)
Ming, N., Feng, Y., Fan, R.
pdf / webpage / demo / code

Rethinking Road Surface 3D Reconstruction and Pothole Detection: From Perspective Transformation to Disparity Map Segmentation. IEEE Trans on Cybernetics (T-Cyb), 2022.
Fan, R., Ozgunalp, U., Wang, Y., Liu, M. and Pitas, I.
pdf / webpage

On-Sensor Binarized CNN Inference with Dynamic Model Swapping in Pixel Processor Arrays. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022.
Liu, Y., Bose, L., Fan, R., Dudek, P., Mayol-Cuevas, W.

Accurate and Robust Visual Localization System in Large-scale Appearance-changing Environments. IEEE Trans on Mechatronics (T-Mech), 2022.
Yu, Y., Yun, P., Xue, B., Jiao, J., Fan, R., Liu, M.

Detecting Glaucoma in the Ocular Hypertension Study Using Deep Learning. JAMA Ophthalmology, 2022. *Selected as the cover article
Fan, R., Bowd, C., Christopher, M., Brye, N., Proudfoot, A. J., Rezapour, J., Belghith, A., Goldbaum, H. M., Chuter, B., Girkin A. C., Fazio, A. M., Liebmann, M. J., Weinreb, N. R., Gordon, O. Mae., Kass, A. M., Kriegman, J. D., and Zangwill, M. L.
pdf / webpage

UnDAF: A General Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Framework for Disparity or Optical Flow Estimation. ICRA, 2022.
Wang, H., Fan, R., Cai, P., Liu, M., and Wang, L.
pdf / webpage

Dynamic Fusion Module Evolves Drivable Area and Road Anomaly Detection: A Benchmark and Algorithms. IEEE Trans on Cybernetics (T-Cyb), 2022.
Wang, H.#, Fan, R.#, Sun, Y. and Liu, M.
pdf / webpage

Loop-Box: Multiagent Direct SLAM Triggered by Single Loop Closure for Large-Scale Mapping.
IEEE Trans on Cybernetics (T-Cyb), 2022.
Bhutta, M.U.M., Kuse, M., Fan, R., Liu, Y. and Liu, M.
pdf / demo

Simultaneous Hand-Eye/Robot-World/Camera-IMU Calibration. IEEE Trans on Mechatronics (T-Mech), 2022.
Wu, J., Wang, M., Jiang, Y., Yi, B., Fan, R., and Liu, M.
pdf / code

Learning Collision-Free Space Detection from Stereo Images: Homography Matrix Brings Better Data Augmentation. IEEE Trans on Mechatronics (T-Mech), 2022.
Fan, R., Wang, H., Cai, P., Wu, J., Bocus, M.J., Qiao, L. and Liu, M.
pdf / webpage

Graph Attention Layer Evolves Semantic Segmentation for Road Pothole Detection: A Benchmark and Algorithms. IEEE Trans on Image Processing (T-IP), 2021.
Fan, R., Wang, H., Wang, Y., Liu, M., and Pitas, I.
pdf / code

SNE-RoadSeg+: Rethinking Depth-Normal Translation and Deep Supervision for Freespace Detection. IROS, 2021.
Wang, H.#, Fan, R.#, Cai, P., and Liu, M.
pdf / webpage / code / demo

Co-Teaching: An Ark to Unsupervised Stereo Matching. ICIP, 2021.
Wang, H., Fan, R., and Liu, M.
pdf / webpage / demo

SCV-Stereo: Learning Stereo Matching from A Sparse Cost Volume. ICIP, 2021.
Wang, H., Fan, R., and Liu, M.
pdf / webpage / demo

S2P2: Self-Supervised Goal-Directed Path Planning using RGB-D Data for Robotic Wheelchairs. ICRA, 2021.
Wang, H., Sun, Y., Fan, R., and Liu, M.
pdf / code / demo / supp

PVStereo: Pyramid Voting Module for End-to-End Self-Supervised Stereo Matching. RAL with ICRA, 2021.
Wang, H.#, Fan, R.#, Cai, P., and Liu, M.
pdf / dataset / code / demo / supp

Three-Filters-to-Normal: An Accurate and Ultrafast Surface Normal Estimator. RAL with ICRA, 2021.
Fan, R., Wang, H., Xue, B., Huang, H., Wang, Y., Liu, M. and Pitas, I.
pdf / webpage / dataset / code / demo

Conditional Link Prediction of Category-Implicit Keypoint Detection. WACV, 2021.
Yi-Ge, E., Fan, R., Liu, Z. and Shen, Z.
pdf / supp

CoT-AMFlow: Adaptive Modulation Network with Co-Teaching Strategy for Unsupervised Optical Flow Estimation. CoRL, 2020. (Acceptance rate: 34%)
Wang, H., Fan, R. and Liu, M.
pdf / webpage / code / demo

Applying Surface Normal Information in Drivable Area and Road Anomaly Detection for Ground Mobile Robots. IROS, 2020.
Wang, H.#, Fan, R.#, Sun, Y. and Liu, M.
pdf / code

SNE-RoadSeg: Incorporating Surface Normal Information into Semantic Segmentation for Accurate Freespace Detection. ECCV, 2020. (Acceptance rate: 26%)
Fan, R., Wang, H., Cai, P. and Liu, M.
pdf / webpage / code / dataset / demo

MFuseNet: Robust Depth Estimation With Learned Multiscopic Fusion. RAL with ICRA, 2020.
Yuan, W., Fan, R., Wang, M.Y. and Chen, Q.
pdf / code / demo

Road Damage Detection Based on Unsupervised Disparity Map Segmentation. IEEE Trans on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), 2020.
Fan, R. and Liu, M.
pdf / code

Pothole Detection Based on Disparity Transformation and Road Surface Modeling. IEEE Trans on Image Processing (T-IP), 2020.
Fan, R., Ozgunalp, U., Hosking, B., Liu, M. and Pitas, I.
pdf / dataset / supp

Automatic Calibration of Multiple 3D LiDARs in Urban Environments. IROS, 2019.
Jiao, J., Yu, Y., Liao, Q., Ye, H., Fan, R. and Liu, M.
pdf / code

Using DP towards a Shortest Path Problem-Related Application. ICRA, 2019.
Jiao, J., Fan, R., Ma, H. and Liu, M.

Road Surface 3D Reconstruction Based on Dense Subpixel Disparity Map Estimation. IEEE Trans on Image Processing (T-IP), 2018.
Fan, R., Ai, X. and Dahnoun, N.
pdf / dataset

Multiple Lane Detection Algorithm Based on Novel Dense Vanishing Point Estimation. IEEE Trans on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), 2017.
Ozgunalp, U., Fan, R., Ai, X. and Dahnoun, N.
pdf / demo

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Talks & Seminars

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Journal Editors/Co-Editors

Conference/Workshop Organizers

Journal Reviewers

TIP, TCyb, TNNLS, TITS, TIV, TII, TMech, TCSVT, SPM, RAL, AURO, Ophthalmology, iScience.

Conference Reviewers:

ICCV'21/23, CVPR'21, ECCV'18/20/22, AAAI'21/22/23/24, ICME'21, WACV'21/22, BMVC'20/21/23, ICRA'20/21/22/23, IROS'19/20/21/22/23.

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